Global health

Hope begins with good health and when we have hope, anything is possible. This explains why at Cam-America Global Initiative for Social Change (CAGISC) our global health programs are an integral part of improving the lives of high risk populations in underserved communities around the world. To be more efficient in what we do, our global health programs are tailored to address major public health concerns which include: malaria, HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, obesity, diabetes, hypertension, vulnerable children and orphans program (VCOP), maternal and child health (MCHP).


Malaria is a preventable and treatable mosquito-borne disease that affects people of all ages. Africa is the most affected continent and accounts for 90% of all malaria deaths. According to the latest WHO report which summarized data from 104 malaria endemic countries, there were an estimated 219 million cases of malaria and 660,000 deaths in 2010. Malaria is strongly associated with poverty. The highest malaria mortality rates are being seen in countries that have the highest rate of extreme poverty (proportion of population living on less than US $ 1.25 per day).

extreme poverty (proportion of population living on less than US $ 1.25 per day).
Understanding the misery and devastation caused by this deadly disease, CGISC is working with private citizens, NGOs and governments to address barriers and explore evidence-based solutions that will decrease the incidence of malaria and improve patient outcomes. Our strategies to combat malaria include:

  • Increase awareness through comprehensive malaria focused education campaigns
  • Increasing access to care, early diagnosis and treatment
  • Encourage the use of insecticidal nets by individuals at risk
  • Encourage indoor residual spraying with insecticide to control vector mosquitoes
  • Educate community leaders to implement sanitation programs to eliminate mosquito breeding ponds in the environment.